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This blog is for writing, cosplay and the verbs and nouns that make up all the other odd bits and ends of my life as a sentence in a much larger story.
Title: Some Say...
Fandom: Borderlands Pairing: Mordecai x Guardian Angel Rating: R- For sex -Some say we always only wanna get off,
some say our hands are much too soft. Some say our hair is in our eyes, some say we're out of our little minds. Some say our life is insane- Welcome to Pandora. This isn’t actually what you call a tourist destination, then again I’m not hear for the beaches or the great outdoors im here for treasure and to find someone I lost. I been here the last month or so, im not sure exactly the time frame. Hourglasses move backwards and far to fast when you don’t really have a set date to get something done by. The only thing constant in this wasteland is blood and some hallucination that calls herself the guardian angel of people looking for the Vault. I don’t believe in no god damn angels, I believe in death and the recoil of a rifle but not angels, never have so im sure as hell not gonna start now. Whatever IT is, it’s annoying, a headache for sure. It started out as a some helpful little hologram. All black hair and inhuman acid blue eyes, pretty little alien thing, giving advice steering me in the right direction, that sort of thing. Then weeks went past and I got tired of listening. I knew the basics and I didn’t need her “please help so and so” shit, I wasn’t here to save people, I was hear to get some trophies, get some treasure and find someone. Welcome to Pandora. I am what they call the Guardian angel but you may call me what you like. Why I help is of little concern just know that I am here to help, that I want everyone that comes hear to find what there looking for, the vault. He was like every other treasure hunter who came here before him, unafraid and cocky of his own skills. I couldn’t pin his age, I was bad at such things, his hair was unreal colored, his face unshaven and when he rarely took the goggles of his face his eyes where the color of the sun, golden, consuming the pupils into small dots even when the sun was down. Many before him had died and those lucky enough had fled and lived, I wondered, like always, which he would be. My hope of course was neither, my hope of course was that he would be the one to find the vault but I wouldn’t lose sleep if he didn’t, there would be others, there always was. I did want I always did at first, I introduced myself, walked him through his first encounters, showed him the way, like a mother to her child, a ungrateful child, a rebellious child. He grew bored of me much faster then anyone before him, he lived much longer as well. I should have been happy, I should have been proud but I was angry. I would point to the North and he would head to the south in search of some Rak to clean kill, to skin and hang the skull, or teeth from his belt still dripping, still flesh splattered. I was jealous of the rifle, of these trophies of his, of that hunting bird. I helped him survive this far and he ignored me, the NERVE! It was lonely under the sun, and even more so under the blinking blanket of night. Its not like I wasn’t use to being alone, sometimes though everyone needs someone, if only for physical comfort, for the warmth of another, for the only currency understood in every language, pleasure…sex. I was going insane from the lack of it, to stressed, to tired, it was the only release out here in no mans land. I closed my eyes, but I couldn’t bring to mind anything, no porn with gorgeous women with there tits hanging out and spread eagle. It seemed whatever life that was part of was lost, how long had it been? Only months? Or had it been more like years? Frustration, Frustration, Frustration! It seemed logical then, the way the mind works sometimes is amazing, the way it fixes wrongs to heal the body. I closed my eyed, I saw it play out like movie, slow, slower. I wasn’t ashamed of it, somewhere a part of me wished she could see what I was thinking, hoping that it disgusted her to see herself bent over, exposed. Spit, up, down, breathe, up down, breathe.It was almost fascinating in it’s embarrassment. The way his hands where shaking as they pumped up and down. I have never seen them shake, no matter how large the enemy, no matter how many, no matter how dangerous or how close they never flinched, never shook, only now. Only now did those lanky skillful hands shake, only now did that cocky, disobedient personality die, only now did I see that maybe, finally my wish, my purpose would be fulfilled. The Vault would be found, the Destroyer eliminated, the world safe. I owed him. His hands where warm under mine. His eyes fluttered opened, ecstasy sun met acid sky. I smiled, warmly, a gesture of forgiveness, pushed his shaking hands away, replaced them with my own and mimicked where he had left off. I don’t believe in no god damn angels but maybe, if only just for that moment, I did. -Some say we're lost in space,
Some say we're falling off the page. Some say our life is insane. But it isn't- Labels: writing On Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 6:40 PM |
About me
Oh, hello. It’s nice to see you again. How’s the weather in your parts? Lets re-introduce ourselves since we seem to be stuck here for the time being and it‘s been to long good friend.
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