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This blog is for writing, cosplay and the verbs and nouns that make up all the other odd bits and ends of my life as a sentence in a much larger story.
Title: Backwards is the new forwards Fandom: Borderlands Subject: Mordecai's past Rating: PG- Swearing -Pack up your bags, leave home behind Don't look back, you're wasting time Here comes the flood, you'd better run No time to think about the things you should have done- How you got to where you are in life isn’t exactly what most people have on there minds on a daily basis. Money, yes, boning that chick at the coffee shop, yes, how you ended up on some hell hole of a planet masturbating to an alien hologram, not likely. The reality of it is you don’t really have to think about, trapped in your own little self absorbed bubble who the fuck cares how you ended up a drug dealer, how you ended up working a boring 9 to 5, how you ended up happily married with a little white fence and a skag ur…dog in the yard. What? Now you wanna know how the hell I got here? Ha, guess I hadn’t really thought about it, see case in point, well lets see… Earth, I don’t know how many light years or whatever non-sense that is from here but I’m pretty sure its not anywhere close. It use to be pretty great and ignorant, thinking they where the only life in the universe, HA what a joke, can you believe that? The universe? And they thought they where the only ones. But even so they fucked up there planet till everyone was living in damn bubbles cause the air was to damn toxic to breathe, That’s about the time I was born, the bubble babies they called us, the first of many generations to come that would never breathe real air, or see the real sky, born into cities protected by domes so the whole human race wouldn’t be wiped out. I was raised in the watery womb of New Orleans or rather what was left of it. 2/3 of it was lost under water, like a modern Atlantis, sep people didn’t wanna re-find it. They knew what sank and they had no desire to re submerged it. My family well…hey! now don’t you go thinking I had some dysfunctional blood line, like my mother was a hooker and my dad left and she was raising me alone, whoreing herself to make ends meet. It was nothing like that, my family was pretty damn normal. Mom was waitress at a Steak house called Bill’s, Dad was working for the government and my little sister was well a girl, what else is there to say about little sisters? Sure my parents where busy people and yeah sure as a I kid I complained they didn’t spend enough time with me but doesn’t every kid complain about that? And with out them and there busy schedules I would have ran away, I would have never picked up and a gun and I would have never knew the enjoyment of seeing light flicker out of eyes. Yeah yeah yeah I know that sounds a bit deranged, I aint so damn psycho but I guess unless you done it your not gonna understand. Its sorta a power trip deal I guess, like driving a bigger car then everyone else, like having more money then everyone else, like having power over someone else, that kind of thing. Its not like I’m a big guy or anything, I only stand 5’10, my hair is shaggy and I’m lanky as fuck. I’m not someone who on first glance your gonna think “whoa look at that bad ass mother fucker, better stay away”, no more like “ whoa look at that skinny ass mother fucker, he looks like a chick”. But with a 5ft sniper rifle in my hand your not gonna say shit now are you? didn’t think so. So I grew a beard and smashed my piggy bank and bought a hunting rifle and the rest is history as they say. A millions miles, or light years or whatever away now I guess you cant really go back. I mean I could go back to earth but you cant go back to where you started. You cant change how you became what you are now. But hey, I’m not complaining. -And I can't change this I can never take it back But now I can't change my mind- Labels: writing On Friday, December 4, 2009 at 6:10 PM |
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Oh, hello. It’s nice to see you again. How’s the weather in your parts? Lets re-introduce ourselves since we seem to be stuck here for the time being and it‘s been to long good friend.
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